Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer : Movie Review

Never before in the history of cinema has a movie been so purposefully micromanaged toward a specific sub-subsection of the demographic as Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer. From the apparently popular source material to the reliance on glitter paint and garish, neon bright primary colors, this is an entertainment aimed solely at the eight and a half to near nine year old, specifically a girl who has yet to discover boys (or boy bands), watches more Nickelodeon than Disney, wouldn't know Miley from her Achy Breaky dad, and still believes in the wonder and magic of those lazy hazy crazy days from June to September. Anyone else needs to stay away lest they be completely ignored and irritated.

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, Judy (newcomer Jordana Beatty) and the fellow members of the TP (stands for "Toad Pee") Club, Rocky (Garrett Ryan), Frank (Preston Bailey), and Amy (Taylor Hender) are plotting out the entirety of their Summer vacation. It involves a contest, collecting "thrill points," and basically avoiding boredom. It also means steering clear of Judy's obnoxious, Bigfoot-obsessed brother Stink (Paris Mosteller). Unfortunately, two of her chums have other plans -- clown camp and a trip to Borneo, specifically -- leaving their hyperactive pal in a panic. But when Judy's eccentric Aunt Opal (Heather Graham) shows up to babysit, our heroine learns a valuable lesson in sundrenched fun -- Summer doesn't owe you a good time. Summer is what you make it.

See www.filmcritic.com for full review

Author : Bill Gibron