Date: 3rd October 2000

Dustman To The Stars Reveals Gender Divide

Dustman to the stars JAVIER VELLER has revealed the nice and nasty celebrities - and they can be split down the sexes.

The American refuse collector, whose round encompasses movie star hotspot Santa Monica in Los Angeles, says whilst male actors such as DANNY DeVITO, KIRK DOUGLAS and JAY LENO are friendly to him on his rounds, MADONNA and RAQUEL WELCH are usually rude.

He says, "Danny picks up the paper in his robe and stops for a
chat. Kirk comes out to throw tennis balls for his dog and always
gives a friendly wave.

Jay asks me, 'How you doing? Are we staying cool? Would we like a drink?'"

However, Javier's female experiences are less warm.

He adds, "
I used to see Madonna but she never waved - just kept her head down. I think she's scared of stalkers.

"We saw Raquel in her Lexus and had to stop because we were in the way. We could see her getting angry and as she drove by, she mouthed, 'You a**holes'. It's frustrating that she takes that attitude for a slight inconvenience. We were only doing our jobs." (CPT/WNTMI)

Source: WENN