From Justin to Kelly : Movie Review

From Justin to Kelly (2003) - Movie PosterBesides, it stems from reality-TV's American Idol, and the reality bent fizzled on film for April's similarly beach-set The Real Cancun.

Yet From Justin to Kelly isn't about reality. It's about the entertaining nonreality of traditional movie musicals, for which it's the first entry since Chicago revived the genre. While it's no Chicago, it is another breath of fresh air considering the long dearth of films with people bursting into song and dance.

Unlike Cancun's spring-break realities of drunken revelry and indiscriminate sex, From Justin to Kelly is a throwback to the innocent, carefree beach-party movies of the '60s. Its kids talk about hedonism, but hardly anyone acts on it, especially Justin (2002 American Idol runner-up Justin Guarini) and Kelly (2002 Idol winner Kelly Clarkson).

See for full review.

Author : Bruce Westbrook