Metropolis (2001) - Details
Metropolis is a story of how important emotions are and how they separate humans from everything else. The movie follows a young boy, his uncle (a private investigator) The story is set in the far future where humans and robots live together, unfortunately not in harmony. Many robots are forced underground and are terminated for entering unauthorized areas, they are moreless servants to humankind. The plot starts to unfold as the boy meets a robot named Tima and they get in all kinds of trouble as the movie progresses. Never a dull moment when you've got a robot by your side.
Animation / Fantasy
USA Cert: PG-13
Running Time
- 25th January 2002 - US Release
- 13th February 2002 - Belgium Release
- 15th November 2002 - Sweden Release
- 17th January 2003 - UK Release