Friday After Next (2002) - Synopsis
The third installment in the highly successful Friday series, "Friday After Next" takes place during the Christmas season back in the old neighborhood where it all began. Although cousins Craig (Cube) and Day-Day (Epps) have left behind the security of living with their parents, the rundown apartment they now share is filled with all the accoutrements and spirit of the holiday season. Everything is idyllic…until a ghetto Santa Claus breaks in and steals their Christmas presents and anything else he can stuff into his sack, including the rent money hidden in their stereo speakers. Faced with the harsh reality of a Christmas without presents and the threat of eviction if rent is not paid by day's end, their only hope of scoring some quick cash leads them to the local strip mall where they land jobs as unarmed security guards. In the process, Craig and Day-Day learn some comic lessons about the true meaning of the holiday season.