Date: 3rd September 2018

Robin Wright Will Reprise Her General Antiope Role in Wonder Woman 1984.

Robin Wright will reportedly reprise her role as Antiope in Wonder Woman 1984 in a flashback scene with Connie Nielson, who plays Queen Hippolyta.

In a new interview, Robin Wright talks about her experiences on House of Cards and her recent marriage. In the article, it states that she is preparing to fly out to Spain later this year to reprise her role as Antiope in Wonder Woman 1984. The scene in question will reportedly be a flashback to Themyscira that also includes Connie Nielson's Queen Hippolyta. It's important to note that the words are not attributed to Wright in the article. However, Wonder Woman 1984 does have sets in the Canary Islands that were built a few weeks ago.

Antiope and Queen Hippolyta are two of the most important figures in Diana's life, so it makes sense that a flashback will take place. But the details surrounding that flashback are unclear at this time.

Source: Press Release