Date: 12th June 2001
Hollywood hero TOM CRUISE took a slam dunking over the weekend (9-10JUN01) - being plunged into a pool of water to raise money for research into children with Aids.
Cruise was joined by celebrities COURTENEY COX ARQUETTE and husband DAVID ARQUETTE, DUSTIN HOFFMAN and new mother CAMRYN MANHEIM, who - rather than throwing a ball at a target to plunge Cruise into the water pond, hit the target with her entire body force. She laughed, "I never would have thought I'd get the chance to dunk Tom Cruise. "
The event, A TIME FOR HEROES, is held every year in Los Angeles, California, America. FRIENDS star Courteney Cox Arquette said, "I just love it. It's the most light-hearted event and it raises tons of money. " (SVD/WNV/PDD)
Source: WENN
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