Date: 7th March 2018

New 'Terminator' Movie to Start Filming This Summer for a Planned July 2019 Release.

Filming on The Terminator reboot will begin in June and last until the middle of October, according to franchise veteran and current T-800, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Chatting to The Arnold Fans, he confirmed that "we are starting to shoot Terminator 6 in June to the middle of October, so I am in that".

"I am looking forward to coming back as the T-800 model. It’s gonna be great with Tim Miller as the director and Jim Cameron is kind of supervising the whole thing".

Linda Hamilton is also going to return for the new movie, that’s set to ignore the entire Terminator series after the second film.

Terminator 6 is due in cinemas on July 26th 2019.

Source: Press Release